Does a fourth character mean there will be a 4 player mode?

I know it’s planned for there to be 3 characters hunting Dino’s in the default mode, but with the addition of a fourth will there be 4 characters allowed or a 4 person mode perhaps?

No it is still going to be a three player coop. They already announced that they will be adding more characters while time goes on. I find it better that it is a three player coop, because you have more combination options for your team.


Yeah, same. I dont think Destiny started it, but it sort of became more popular to have 3 man teams after Destiny in mainstream media as of late, and I think its the sweet spot for groups. 4 man groups is more for RPGs where you need everyone to fill a role, and usually that role would be a support (which could be pointless), or a duplicate class anyway. At least this way it remains tight and concise to a degree. That being said I will still be trying to mainly solo the game lol.


Well, from a tactical perspective, a 3 man crew is the absolute minimum combat team, you simply can not get any lower than that and still be effective in “any and all” scenarios…

If the team looses a crew member, there is still two left, able to cover each other.

Im not sure how SE handles player health/lives, if you respawn back at base when you die or if a team mate can revive you on-site, but if we can revive each other, then we will need some covering fire while reviving the downed member.
If we cant revive each other, we will definitely value the company of a single friend after the other one been taken out… :slight_smile:

I would prefer bigger groups, 5 or 6 would suffice.
Depending on the mission objectives, topography and so on, it may be a tactical advantage to be able to split the group into two teams of 2+ players, again 3 member teams are optimal, so i would prefer 6 players in a group.

Considering how it is in Generation Zero, i would bet that Second Extinction will rely heavily on tactics and not merely bullet-spraying.
So i belive my tactical guestimations are sound. :slight_smile:

I can honestly say 3 is perfect and I have run 2 man in a
lot of games including this one(Alpha) and it just depends on who you are playing with. Good team mates duo can still be effective and fun or it can be hard and miserable.(Just like any co op games).

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