Hero Suggestion/Idea

A hero suggestion;


Rogers has always been an avid designer of machinery, and when the time called for it, he turned his skills to creating machines to aid his team in battle. His machines have a wide variety of uses, whether he’s setting up his Auto turret to aid in defence, or placing his electric floor traps to slow the tides of battle.

Ability 1 - Mark 1 Turret - Places an auto turret which will target enemies in a cone shape x distance away, lasts for x amount of time.

Ability 2 - Electric floor trap - Construct an Electric floor trap in a rectangle shape which will slow and damage enemies who walk over it.

Ability 3 - Inspiration - Rogers inspires his allies, increasing the teams reload speeds for x amount of time.

Visual design - Rogers would be a big built, bearded guy, who has a large mechanical looking battery pack on his back, large goggles for his safety, and an emblem on his right shoulderguard which resembles a panda.

This is just my idea for a hero of my design, he would be hybrid of offence and support.
Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

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That’s a pretty sweet idea Chumba! I’ll pass it on :slight_smile:

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Thank you Altalon :smile: