One thing that’s been gnawing at me ever since I first found this game was this one particular line at the bottom of the Steam store page: “Your actions, together with the rest of the community, will shape the course of the war against the dinosaurs.”
Now, I understand if nothing can be said on this right now, but… I’ve been thinking as to what exactly this means, is it more of a throwaway line to emphasize the co-op aspect of the game or is it hinting towards some finite goal that the global community would work towards through missions/matches, etc. The latter option particularly gets me wondering about the longevity of the game, I believe I read somewhere that this game is planning for long term support and obviously if the war against the dinosaurs is finite then that greatly hinders the longevity and replayability. Unless the course of the war thing is relegated to a specific game mode, sort of like a campaign as such.
Or maybe I am just completely misinterpreting this and it actually relates to some third option I never even thought about.