"Take part in a joint effort"

One thing that’s been gnawing at me ever since I first found this game was this one particular line at the bottom of the Steam store page: “Your actions, together with the rest of the community, will shape the course of the war against the dinosaurs.

Now, I understand if nothing can be said on this right now, but… I’ve been thinking as to what exactly this means, is it more of a throwaway line to emphasize the co-op aspect of the game or is it hinting towards some finite goal that the global community would work towards through missions/matches, etc. The latter option particularly gets me wondering about the longevity of the game, I believe I read somewhere that this game is planning for long term support and obviously if the war against the dinosaurs is finite then that greatly hinders the longevity and replayability. Unless the course of the war thing is relegated to a specific game mode, sort of like a campaign as such.

Or maybe I am just completely misinterpreting this and it actually relates to some third option I never even thought about.

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It is the Steam page of the message of @Cryosis

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This leads me to think two things.
One. I think its more so referring to the beta, and how the community can help shape the direction of the game through feedback, suggestions, etc. prior to launch, as well as help shape the direction the game takes thereafter.
Two. And this one is a bit of a stretch. Maybe they are recording data, and using that to affect subsequent events, expansions, etc. Kind of like the game inFamous, where they recording how many people choose which ending the 1st playthrough and built the 2nd game around that. They found that a majority of players chose the good ending and ended up making that the canon ending for the next game in the inFamous franchise. Same way that Telltales games are always recording data and shaping the story how it goes. Although, I saw this is a stretch because while we dont really know too much about the game just yet, the way the game is being marketed as I see it, I dont think it will be taking this direction. That requires too heavy an emphasis on story and player choice. And while it can indeed be done, thats going to be a HEAVY amount of work on the dev team since this is a coop shooter. How do you properly record and take into account player choice if the players are acting in teams, and not as individuals? Does the whole teams action get taken into account? Does the act of one member in the squad affect the general teams decision for the future of the franchise? So if one player does something rogue, or something mischievous and the rest of the team is none the wiser, does it negatively effect the end results of their run and subsequently the data that gets sent to the dev team? There are a lot of lurking variables in those choices and actions…but yeah…while it can be done, this would require a lot of work on the devs part…

So yeah lol I think its more so #1. Taking feedback from the community and helping shape the direction of the franchise particularly in the beta phases, and taking suggesions into account for future content like additional heroes, dinosaurs, events, etc.

I remember when Dont Starve was in Early Access it was a far cry from the version it is now, and initially the dev team said coop was far out of reach because they would have to rework the entire game because they never built it to be able to do that. Well, some odd years later we got Dont Starve Together, a version of the game built with coop in mind, all because of fan feedback. That and the base game itself changed drastically from how it was in Early Access too.
There was also another game called Dungeon Defenders. I remember that game changed drastically POST launch lol. And pretty much it all was from feedback. Fans would ask hey can you have a seasonal event for this? For that? Can you add this character? Can you add a gender swapped version of this character? And the dev team listened and put all that stuff in, and added so much more content to the game based off fan feedback even though the game was already out. So yeah, I think its referring more to my 1st thought about what it means.

P.S. Again. Im not part of the dev team so take what I say with a grain of salt. Its just my 2 cents :sweat_smile:

There’s a bit more to this than just text and we’ll go into this going forward. I can’t tell you any exact details, of course :wink: But lets just say community plays a large role in Second Extinction. Both in terms of making new friends and playing together, but also in other things :slight_smile: