TRAILER HYPE - What did you catch in our latest trailer?

We just released our announcement trailer - you can find it here:

Did you see anything special? Any details to delve deeper into? Let us know what you think


I think the trailer looks good so far, in future i’d love to see more about the different types of dino’s going in as in the trailer I managed to spot what appears to be some kind of natural looking armored raptors, as well as what appears to be some sort of light looking effect on raptors and the rex near the end. Also the night levels with flashlight look nice and eery.

I personally think that this is going to be amazing! But the only two questions I have is it possible to play solo if I’m feeling up for a challenge? & will it have game modes such as Regular/Hardcore?

The game looks awesome, it looks fast paced kinda in a Rage 2 aspect or maybe even Doom.
The dinos and guns look awesome, and I really dig the approach of not having this game be open world but instead almost an “arena shooter”. There’s a lot of variety in the dinos which is pretty cool! And it looked like there was a decent amount of player customization in there too.
Which means there will likely be a hub to go back to to upgrade and customize your character and load out. I do wonder if this hub will be public, or if it will be restricted to the three people playing together.
But all in all I’m hyped as heck for this game, its serving to be one of my most anticipated of this year!

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Yo Connor, you can definitely go at it solo but it will be hard. If you’re up for it, go for it.

We’ll talk more about quest, game modes etc soon :slight_smile:

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What up Tenee!

I like your thinking and hopefully at least a few of those things will end up being true :wink:

Catch ya later

/ D

Interesting observation Chumba, I can’t talk too much about dinosaurs we haven’t released yet though. More on that to come :slight_smile:

There was definitely different types of raptors. You can find some info on them on the bottom of this page:

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Hey, my friends! I heard there was a hype train passing trough here. Mind if I hop on? :grin:
I’m a huge fan of both The Hunter and Generation Zero, and guess what? Dinosaurs were my biggest passion as a kid, so sign me right up for this game as well! I have a really good feeling about this! :smiley:

Good to see you’re along for the ride, @Tene :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow i’m allready really hyped for this!
great that a studio is doing something cool again with dinosaurs again, and something original.
hopefull there are different kind of dinosaurs and not only the rex + raptors that are shown.
and hopefully there is enough to grind for and keep it intresting.
anyway guys great job and can’t wait to slay some dinosaurs!

Choo Choo NJR - caught you on Youtube before, nice to have you in the forum as well :slight_smile:

I can’t say what is to come, but I can say that more will come :slight_smile: Keep your eyes open here and on the old tubes and I’m sure we can surprise you within a foreseeable future

The things that stuck out to me were the 3 unnamed Raptor varieties (the armored one, the one with the more colorful stripe and harsh appearance, and the one with the weird little thing on top of its head) as well as the drone.

Very good eyes on you Cryosis (spotted you on youtube as well, right?)

There are absolutely things behind the curtain yet to be revealed. Those are teasers of what’s to come in the raptor class :slight_smile:

Yeah, I made a comment on the trailer about waiting for the beta.

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Seems pretty dope! I’m really looking forward for the release… When will it come out on Xbox One?

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It’ll be interesting to see how they implement variety into the game. I don’t see this game only being a horde mode against dinosaurs. There has to be more progression into it than that.

The release date is not set yet. We have a PC beta planned for this summer, nothing else has been discussed :slight_smile:

There will be more to it than general horde mode, that much I can say :slight_smile: