What, or who, is your favorite mutated dinosaur in media?

Im assuming that since this is the uncategorized section we can put things related to Second Extinction, but not exactly Second Extinction here? Lol. Anyway, I was wondering what everyones favorite dinosaur mutate/hybrid is in media of any form. There are surprisingly a lot to choose from, and who knows, maybe it will inspire a future dinosaur in the game, as maybe a pop culture reference or cameo. Ooooh.

For me, I was about to go with the Indominous Rex from Jurassic World 2. Its abilities and overall design was just chefs kiss IMO. But overall…Ive got to give it to the V-Rex from Peter Jacksons King Kong lol. That thing was just a monster. And seeing it in the movies was just amazing. Facing it in the video game adaption was just as fun too lol. Probably my favorite part of that whole game. Oddly enough it was probably the best monster fighting piece Ive ever experienced and what other Godzilla games have been lacking. Maybe they should have taken that segment and ran with it for some spin off games lol. You could also go with almost any dinosaur card in MTG. The designs of those cards are just amazing, but Ive still got to tip my hat to the V-Rex.

Cebalrai, DC3.

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Gonna level with you. I never played any of the DC games (heck, I didnt really get much the chance to play any of the RE games until 4), and that thing is HORRIFYING…I LOVE IT. Really hope they reboot the series with the new engine lol. I would love to face that kind of thing. Maybe Second Extinction will get its own Hydra-Cerberus-Dino hybrid lol

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