Will this game have herbivores of any type? Very excited to see more of this game!
These dinos won’t just be regular dinos with teeth. I bet we’ll see herbivores charging, trampling and blasting you with lasers!
I think NJRs answer sums things up pretty nicely Alurok. Even if there would be herbivores, they’d crunch you down in a second for sure
What about balance in the game herbivores versus carnivor it must be realistic behavour
The dinosaurs are all mutated hybrids that have been surviving underground for a millennia of years. In the gameplay they were described as not necessarily evil but aggressive. Realistic is out the window. They will likely have different attack patterns as any enemy AI would, but I dont particularly think they will have a defining feature that will make you go “Oh, this is a herbavore type”, if thats what youre meaning. Its more so, this is a Stegosaurus hybrid Im going up against.
So will al dinosours be evil would be nice if u could use f example devs toinclude herbivors as teamplayers f example as using it f transport and xceta wht do I guys think make herbivorers oprion f heroes to help them
All scalies must die chief - that’s all I have for you right now
coming back to this thread, there is INDEED CRAZY MUTATED HERBIVORES